Partnering with the Natural World

Well, there’s dirt under my nails and I’ve been whispering words of encouragement to the tiny seedlings that are making their way up and out from the soil.  I’ve dug up a mountain of dandelion, and dried the bitter leaves and roasted roots for when I’ll need them this coming winter.  And I’m feeling the summer sun on my face, and watching my nervous system relax into the warmth.

Connecting with the natural world is an incredible thing.  With SO many benefits.  You’re undoubtedly no stranger to them.

But… partnering with the natural world – well, that’s a whole new, world-expanding ball game!

Our personal, professional and societal capacity for resilience, adaptability and out-of-the box thinking in these times is inextricably woven into our ability to cultivate an intentional partnership with the natural world. 

In my forthcoming book, With Intention, With the Land, I write:

Intentional partnership means going to the natural world specifically to see how it may teach or reveal something to us, listening to it for help in understanding answers to our questions. And instead of simply “taking” or “extracting” from the land a sense of “feeling good,” we find ways to give back to it with acts of reciprocity and care to cultivate a sustainable balance and partnership dynamic between ourselves and the natural world.

Engaging with the natural world from the positioning of partnership is a powerful paradigm shift.

There’s practical steps anyone can learn for how to partner with the natural world, wherever your feet are planted.  And it brings me no end of joy to walk alongside folks deepening their connection and partnership with the earth, to offer up a few techniques.

I’ll be holding a few courses this June and July in Courtenay, British Columbia, if partnering with the natural world calls to you.  Or reach out if you’d like me to come to you, online or in person.

Do take care, and I hope you can get creative, and get your hands in the earth this summer!


Tuning Into our Ancestral Memory in Tumultuous Times


With intention, with the land